Thursday, April 21, 2011


I've been MIA lately.  In my last post I was in the process of planning to redecorate my apartment - well that's what I've been doing.  I painted all my doors and trim white which really brightened up the place, I bought a new duvet and some wall art, some new throw pillows and tomorrow I'm picking up a rug my fabulous cousin (who is a decorator) found for me.  Next up is hunting thrift and antique stores for a new coffee table - I want something really unique.  In the meantime, Coachella happened this last weekend and tons of pictures are popping up all over the Internet - here are several (probably too many) pics I found of inspirational festival attire. 

Source:, Mr. Newton, Harpers Bazzar, Knight Cat

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

A Home that Makes Sense

I'm still in decorating mode - I super cleaned my apartment this weekend to get ready for painting next weekend. In between washing walls and doing laundry I spent alot of time browsing interior design blogs such as The Selby and Apartment Therapy, as well as watching alot of HGTV (I'm officially addicted)  

Images: Apartment Therapy and Design Sponge via Alicia Fashionista

And finally here's a great little video of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros... Love them :) xo

Monday, April 04, 2011

better days to come

White Nights by Oh Land
Loving this song - it just makes me happy.  And on a day like today I need a bit of a lift, it's miserable out!  I was planning on starting my marathon training today, yes I am training for a half marathon, and I was also wanting to unpack my spring/summer clothes, but it's too darn cold out.  M went snowboarding this morning because the local mountains received 46cm of snow overnight!  Jeebuz.  Sooo Mother Nature if you wouldn't mind turning up the heat a bit that would be greatly appreciated.  xo
PS Wanting now...or rather when it warms up a bit!

images: Free People & Anthropologie & Stone Cold Fox, La Mer Collection

Saturday, April 02, 2011

No Regrets

I try to live my life with no regrets.  However when Arcade Fire came to town last September I have one major regret.  No, I did not miss the concert, M tried to surprise me with tickets (he can't keep anything from me!) so I went to the show, but because I was having MAJOR crazy girl PMS, I was a bitch to M and ruined the 'chi' of our experience.  So that's my regret, ruining our experience.  I love Arcade Fire and I know they'll  be back soon enough and next time M, I promise I'll  make it up to you  :)  xoxo

Life's a walk in the park

A love related post today - the sun is shining and I'm with a few of my favorite people :)  xoxo

Photos by with using the Hipstamatic App on my iPhone