Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer's Here Fresh Salsa

So my blog has not really been a whole lot about fashion lately. Not that fashion is not on my mind 24 hours a day (yes I even dream about clothes!) but the weathers been so nice and I've been spending lots of time biking, and paddle surfing, in pilates class, and playing tennis and golf! Who knew I was such an athletic person?! Well certainly not my dad, when I was in high school I was more concerned about what I wore in gym class than the activities...ewww sweat! It's the influence of my better half :) Anyways in between all these summer activities, and my constant obsession with clothing (wearing, buying, making, etc) my other interests include food...And good food!

Here is a little concoction I came up with for dinner last night, I call it:

Summers HERE Fresh Salsa!

Dice a 1/4 cup of each of the following ingredients into a med size bowl (use a bigger bowl and bigger measurements for more ppl) Serves 2-3ppl

Red Onion
Avocado (add last after mixing)
Fresh Mint

Once all the fruit and veggies are diced and mixed together squeeze the juice of 1/2 a lemon over the mixture and drizzle with maple syrup (maybe 1 tlb)

Mix together and serve! I used mine on top of a tuna burger, but it would be great on salmon, a tuna steak or chicken..oooh even prawns! Marts and I finished off the salsa last night with 'Fresh is Best' tortilla chips. Enjoy!

PS. The mixture will keep for a max 2 days covered in the fridge. Best eaten fresh.

PPS. I also plan to devote more of my time to actually bogging about fashion!

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