Thursday, July 09, 2009

The joys of much too much?!

I have been so uninspiring lately…lifeless and story-less. I made a choice to leave my job..maybe not the smartest idea with the whole 'recession' happening. But I really could not do it anymore. I want to feel inspired, I want to feel creative and excited when I wake up in the morning. Is that too much to ask? I’m very much future-oriented, and as often as ideas come pouring out of my mouth, I have always been working towards a 5 year plan. I know what I want, and I am determined and, until recently, quite focused. Not ambitious, just well-planned. At present, I now feel as if I am pulling over onto the side of the road, reaching for my map and thinking whether I still want to go to the destination I had planned to. As I look at the map, I am surprised of how many new places there are that I haven’t been aware of. And even when I still want to reach my initial destination, there are so many new ways. There’s just, so much of life to experience and so many hidden paths to uncover. Life can take us on an amazing journey if we let it. I want the ones I love along for my journey. I just need to look at the bigger picture and figure out the most exciting route! I know this is random, but these are the thoughts currently taking over my mind. :D

PS I've decided these shoes will complete my wardrobe. Although I always say that when I find a killer pair of shoes. I loves you M ;) xx


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